Yoga for Spinal Fusion, Scoliosis, and Back Pain

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Feel the Feelings

Experiencing yoga for scoliosis and learning about it have honestly been a rollercoaster of emotions for me. I feel like I should mention this more often, because it can be quite unsettling when we don't have anyone to talk to who has been in the same shoes.

I remember two instances distinctly, and one brought tears of despair, while the other brought tears of joy.

The first yoga with scoliosis class that I took was for individuals with fusions. This was the first time that I was surrounded by people who had a back like mine. It was a new experience in so many ways. I physically don't see my own back, and here I was surrounded by fused scoliosis spines. I also learned that my yoga practice was not taking my spinal conditions into account one iota. After that class, I took the subway home, and balled my eyes out the whole time. I felt discouraged, betrayed, disappointed, mad, frustrated, and stupid. My boyfriend saw how upset I was, and, to my surprise, told me that I should not go back. I knew that I had to go back, because I needed to learn how to care for my back.

The tears of joy were from my first yoga with scoliosis workshop. I felt like I had finally found a needle in a haystack by getting answers and material about this subject. Gratitude skims the surface on how I felt to be empowered with the new information. I had to email the instructor, Deborah Wolk, when I got home to thank her "from the bottom of my heart."

Our body stores all those emotions from being fearful, not fitting in, maybe having to wear a brace or having had surgery, possibly dealing with pain, and just feeling like you want to have a spine like everyone else. All those feelings are valid, and I only hope that you find your path through those frustrations to feel more empowered.