Early scoliosis

This is a picture of me at 8 years old. Besides the obvious stage of growing into my adult teeth, I now notice my scoliosis from seeing my uneven shoulders.

School based scoliosis screening isn't as widespread as it once was, and I can't say that it made a difference for me. However, we all have access to much more information and resources, so it's not necessarily a 'wait and see' approach.

It's definitely nice to not travel this road on your own, and connect with someone else who's also living with scoliosis. It was more than 15 years after my spinal fusion when I went to a yoga class with other students who also had scoliosis or a spinal fusion. The experience was emotionally overwhelming, I cried on the ride home after class, but I also felt happy to have found a compassionate community.

I'm very happy to have found yoga on this journey and couldn't imagine my life without the practice.

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Be grateful