Travel body

Although I love traveling, being stuck in a seated position for too long inevitably leads to back pain, so I have to be prepared. Traveling by car allows me to bring a few more things, such as my yoga travel mat, blocks, yoga strap, massage balls, dry body brush, and Epsom salts. Even ten minutes of movement in the morning, and a few minutes at night, make a huge difference.

I ‘ll use my Yoga Tune Up massage balls to roll out my glutes, piriformis, sacrum, feet and upper trapezius. I may also did a few dog poses and handstands, and then I feel ready to conquer a new day!

Some other things that have helped have been breaking often to take our dog on short walks, staying hydrated, and meditation & yoga nidra.

How does your body respond to travel?

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The diaphragm


Our shoulders